Banana Cream Dream
This is a straight forward Banana Cream dessert with whipped cream dolloped on top, then covered with a caramel sauce and sprinkled with toasted almonds. It's well balanced and addicting!
The custard helps build the body up and give the banana a pudding style flavor as well as keep the caramel on the top. Then you'll get a light whipped cream accented with a hint of toasted almond on the tail end of the exhale. The super sweet can be bumped to .5% if you like it a little sweeter.Recipe
CAP Super Sweet 0.25%CAP Vanilla Custard 1.75%CAP Vanilla Whipped Cream 1.5%FLV Caramel 0.5%FA Banana 0.3%FA Cream Fresh 1%TPA Banana Cream 5%TPA Caramel (original) 1.5%TPA Toasted Almond 0.75%Total Flavor: 12.55%