Citrus Fresh for Satan


Ladies and Gentlemen. Enter Citrus Fresh for Satan. This recipe is 100% SNV Certified. What to expect: A beautiful explosion of citrus in your mouth hole. Orange is the main profile, accentuated, brightened, softened and perfected by Cranberry, Raspberry, Lemon, Peach and Ripe Strawberries. Flavor Notes: Purlium's Cranberry Orange is the cornerstone flavor of this recipe, providing an ultra realistic orange with a hint of rind and a splash of crisp cranberry juice. On it's own, it's too much. But in this recipe we've bridged the flavor and brought out it's true potential. TPA Raspberry Sweet brings opposition to the realistic Cran/Orange, bringing a bright and defined sweet flavor to the mix. However, these two flavors don't bond extremely well. I needed a bridge to bring cohesion, returning direction and focus to the cornerstone. For that, I chose TPA Strawberry Ripe. TPA Strawberry Ripe acts as a flavor bridge, and also bends and softens the brightness that Raspberry Sweet brought to the party. Purlium's White Peach brings more softness and mouth feel to the mix by accentuating the warm undertones possible with the Cran/Orange. It's absolutely delightful when used in this way and I encourage you to try it. Many people report white peach having some substantial throat hit, but I really dont get that from Purlium's rendition. If you've sworn off white peach, consider trying this one. For me. And for Satan. CAP Super Sweet is optional, but it does lend itself to adding some serious fidelity to the high notes of this somewhat complex mix. Plus, fucking CAP Super Sweet. Right? CAP Juicy Lemon is 1/2 of the commitment to the yellow god of fruit. It's brought to this mix to bring some light to the exhale, again reminding you that you're in citrus hell, you're happy here, and even if you could leave, you'd never consider it in a million years. Smile. You're home. FA Lemon Sicily is the second half of that lemon commitment. I tend to use it just about every time I drop Juicy Lemon. I've even considered mixing the two bottles in the future. I think these two lemons were made for each other and are both extraordinary at complimenting each other. Some of you might question the 20%, as it's kind of taboo. Please feel free to tone down everything a bit, but keep the core balance in alignment. So, if you take down something by a certain percentage, bring the other flavors down respectively. Please enjoy. -138.


CAP Juicy Lemon     1%CAP Super Sweet     0.35%FA Lemon Sicily     1%PUR Cranberry Orange     3%PUR White Peach     1%TPA Raspberry (sweet)     1%TPA Strawberry (ripe)     2%

Total Flavor: 9.35%