They Are Killers!!


This is my recipe for killer waffles. We start with the top I decided to follow the direction of blueberry and raspberries. The waffles. For the body I use Cap sugar cookie, Fw yellow cake, Tpa Belgian waffle and Cap Vc to complete the waffle combo. Bottom. I decided to leave the syrup as an accent note and not take it to the front for that Cap caramel and Fw Dulce de Leche. Thats it a killers waffles.


CAP Caramel     0.5%CAP Raspberry V2     3%CAP Sugar Cookie     2%CAP Super Sweet     0.25%CAP Vanilla Custard     3%FW Blueberry     3%FW Cake (yellow)     1%FW Dulce De Leche     0.5%FW Marshmallow     1%TPA Waffle (belgian)     0.75%

Total Flavor: 15%