Bae's Fave Butterscotch


** UPDATE 7/20/2017 ** After weeks of playing with different percentages and another flavor shipment, I'm finally really happy with this butterscotch and think it's just shining. The butterscotch ripple is an awesomely creamy and sweet flavor, supported by the FA butterscotch which really turns up the butterscotch flavor throughout the vape and that was my biggest issue with the previous version, just not enough butterscotch. I also played with the creams, the Vienna cream/cream fresh combo is fucking awesome in like every recipe I've used it in and I'm pretty sure I've seen that written about as a milk base and I love it. That combo pairs so well with vbic, they become one amazingly milkshakey duo. The little bit of almond is to add to the complexity of the creams, there's really no nuttiness added. All in all, a fluffy, rich, sweet butterscotch milk cream.


CAP Super Sweet     0.5%FW Butterscotch Ripple     4%FA Almond     0.5%FA Butterscotch     2%FA Cream Fresh     1%FA Vienna Cream     0.5%TPA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream     2%

Total Flavor: 10.5%