Cajolery, a Vapor in a Bottle Seduction Clone
Sooo... Inawera did in fact reformulate their Lemon. I've searched high and low for a replacement and the best fit seems to be FE Lemon. It's not as potent as the original Inawera Lemon but it is very close in taste (with no off notes). Secondly I would try OOO Lemon (round candy) at 2% as it's even less potent but still close in flavor.
Another sub I often make to take it in an even more candy direction is Hangsens Blueberry at the same percentage.
This is my clone of my all time favorite juice, Seduction by Vapor in a Bottle. A brilliant combination of candy lime, lemon, and berries.
Full notes here:
INW Blueberry 0.75%INW Cactus 0.5%INW Lemon 1.25%INW Lime 1%INW Raspberry 1%INW Shisha Strawberry 1.25%TPA Cotton Candy 0.5%Total Flavor: 6.25%