Crispy Creme Coffee
Crispy Crème Coffee. A coffee vape was one of my first profiles I mixed when I began mixing. One of my first few flavors I purchased was LA coffee. And let me tell you, it was horrible! After a few attempts to make it better I abandoned the profile. Now with more experience, the right percentages, and a "Wonder"ful new flavor to work with, I think this recipe has satisfied my profile desires. Crispy Crème Coffee is a combination of 2 of my favorite things, coffee and doughnuts! The WF Smooth cappuccino cream is a sweet and creamy coffee. And when paired with FA UP at 1%, and WF Hazelnuts & Cream at only .5%, it has a bold yet creamy flavor with hints of hazelnut. The WF Vanilla Ruyan Custard has an almost caramel-custard note that bolsters the coffee and when combined with the WF Deep Fried Pastry Dough SC, and 1% of Zeppola, it shines as a hot and fresh doughnut, slightly coated with powdered sugar.
I would normally say this recipe would be great in the mornings with your coffee and a doughnut, but with this recipe, just skip breakfast and vape it on it's own. Tastes just like you dunked a fresh hot doughnut into you favorite coffee.
Can be a shake and vape but is best after a 3 day steep.
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FA UP (coffee) 0.5%FA Zeppola 1%WF Deep Fried Pastry Dough SC 1%WF Hazelnuts & Cream 0.5%WF Smooth Cappuccino Cream 4%WF Vanilla Ruyan Custard 0.25%Total Flavor: 7.25%