Cukaloupe 'n' Cream
A smooth cantaloupe and cream recipe with a hint of cucumber. Very light cream just enough to enhance the cantaloupe but not cover up the cucumber.
CAP/TFA Cantaloupe: A pleasant cantaloupe combination. Adds the bright sweetness and "summer" flavor.
CAP/FA Cucumber: Not enough to be a star, but enough to pair with the cantaloupes. FA Cucumber is in there just to get the peel and "green" flavors.
FLV Cream: A nice, simple, moderately dense cream to accent the cantaloupe's creamy texture.
FA Caramel: Just a tiny bit will do good. Adds "dark" sweetness to the mix. Not enough to actually taste full caramel.
Add menthol/koolada to taste. I find 1 drop/30mL of FA Menthol Arctic is nice.
It is nice as a shake and vape, but a 7 day steep is where it begins to shine.Recipe
CAP Cantaloupe 2.5%CAP Cucumber 1.5%FLV Cream 0.75%FA Carmel (caramel) 0.5%FA Cucumber 0.25%TPA Cantaloupe 1.5%Total Flavor: 7%