Tobacco Caye


FE Captain: a very full flavor by itself. Hard to describe exactly what it tastes like. Almost bold cocoa notes with little dark fruit and coconut. But not strong at all on the coconut or fruit. One of my favorites from the ECX line. Great base to layer things on. Got around to ordering SC Old Captain, and I am 98% sure it is the same as FE Captain. I suspected as much, but now I have both and can confirm. So use either. Tobacco Morning Rain: tobacco is kind of hard to detect here, but the citrus sweet cooling part of it is very obvious. In this recipe I'm using it mostly for the cooling sensation like Polar Blast or Koolada, but also to add a bit of brightness to the mix. The cooling seems to be a little different than Polar Blast, as I start to feel it about halfway through the inhale, as opposed to on the exhale with Polar Blast. Flue Cured: just there to kind of sweeten things up a bit. Not a whole lot to say about it other than it's sweet. This would have probably been a better recipe to make coming in to summer, but the seasons really have no impact on how I vape, so I ain't mad about it. I smoked Camel Lights all year round, so I vape whatever all year round. But if you're a seasonal type of person and this looks good to you, get it in before winter.


FE Captain Flavor     3%INW Flue Cured Tobacco     1.5%INW Tobacco Morning Rain     2%

Total Flavor: 6.5%