Holy Vanilla Ice Cream
Thick, ritch Vanilla Ice Cream, how i love it ....
-Vanilla Ice Cream (LB) is a very good, straight up Vanilla Ice Cream,
but lacks a little in the milky aspect, why I add
-Fresh Cream (FA).
-Holy Vanilla (DIYFS) add`s also some creamyness and boost the Vanilla.
-Madagascar Vanilla (FA) i add, to layer the Vanilla and make it richer.( Can be subbed with Shisha Vanilla (INW) )
-Steeping: After 7 Days is good. Best after 14 Days
-Optional: Sweetener or EM.
-Nicotin: Use your pref. strengh.
The Result is a delicious, rich, creamy Vanilla Ice Cream.
I like to Vape it M2L in my Squape E, but is also nice by higher Watts.
I hope you ENJOY, like I do .
(Pls. tell me what u think about.)
DFS Holy Vanilla 1.25%FA Cream Fresh 1%FA Madagascar (Vanilla Classic) 0.75%LB Vanilla Ice Cream 6%Total Flavor: 9%