Grilled Stick


Here's my recipe that was submitted for the 1v1 mixing competition. Judged by the crew over on Noted. Thanks y'all. You know what it is, a "simple" attempt at a grilled pineapple. With a five flavour restriction, there wasn't a whole mess of room to get subtle nuances in here, but what we're left with is something that is reminiscent of some grilled pineapple. Notes and my fucked up reasoning after the cut. TPA Pineapple / CAP Golden Pineapple - This is not my go to pairing for a pineapple base, but that heavy handed use of CAP Golden Pineapple gives us a nice and sweet pineapple note to play with. I know there is an aversion to TPA Pineapple within this community, but other options just didn't hold up to the other flavours. CAP provides the best pineapple note to suggest the fully cooked fruit, while the TPA is here to bolster that tart bite when mixed with these other concentrates. TPA Toasted Marshmallow - one of the best concentrates when trying to achieve a baked or cooked fruit note. At 1.75%, we achieve that caramelized note needed in a profile such as this. Furthermore, this helps round out the offensive edges seen when using TPA Pineapple. To it's detriment, it does add a bit of creaminess to the mix, but that added mouthfeel is quite nice for this mix. This does cause the profile to stray away from the "authenticity," but I believe it is a success for the overall flavour. TPA Kentucky Bourbon - simply here to add a touch of warmth to the recipe. The added woodsy, earthy, and oak notes just play into that grilled profile even more. FLV Red Burley - a fucking tobacco in a grilled pineapple recipe? Yes. While Red Burley adds a little extra sweetness to the mix, it gives a touch of nuttiness that plays really well into the suggestion of this being cooked fruit. Finally, anything that adds some earthy snap to a recipe titled as a grilled pineapple is just pushing this closer and closer to being a true success. A weird idea that seemed to work out quite nicely. I count that as a win, if only for my personal notes. Steep Time - DO NOT, FOR THE LOVE OF SCIENCE, VAPE THIS ON A SHAKE. It's trash. Mix it and let it sit for 5 days at least. After that, the sickly sweet notes from all the concentrates calms down and we're left with something actually vapeable. This is not, nor ever will be, an all day vape. But if you're lookin for something weird and strange, give it a shot. It's not a perfect grilled pineapple, but the idea is there. Fuck you.


CAP Golden Pineapple     2.25%FLV Red Burley     0.5%TPA Kentucky Bourbon     1%TPA Pineapple     2%TPA Toasted Marshmallow     1.75%

Total Flavor: 7.5%