Mister Softee


Growing up in NYC summers were spent outside from when you opened your eyes till your moms came out looking for you cause you had to eat dinner. We played manhunt, freeze tag, suicide, handball, stickball, football, hockey, basketball , riding bikes and other games we made up. The Mr Softee knew when we were finished with dinner and came through like clockwork. We could hear that jingle blocks away. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zzodaDCD798 As we got older the mister softee dude started selling us more then just ice cream. Alcoholic slushies and weed. My go- to off that menu was vanilla ice cream in a cone with rainbow sprinkles for $1.25. MY CONE My cone consists of OOO sugar cone and jf biscuit. Standalone sugar cone is spot on to those cheap cones you can get in a box, in a mix its pretty are to get that flavor to shine through. I believe a small amount of jf biscuit helps see it through the mix without turning it TOO buttery. ICE CREAM Tfa vbic pur condensed milk and flv van bean do a great job of making a thick, rich, and sweet ice cream. Such a good combo that i recommend ppl try out. Flv vanilla bean works alot like vanillin. You cant taste it alone it doesnt have a base but can really enhance other vanillas that might already be in the recipe. Sprinkles Fw sprinkles is great if you are tryin to add a funfetti element to your cakes. Here there is nothing off about it.. added sweetness a bit of chalkyness. Another light flavor thts why i had to crank it up to achieve the results i wanted. It kinda reminds me of cake too much but its still delicious. Give this a try and id live any feedback..my wife says she even feels like a coolant going on here..but she be buggin. Any1 get that?


FLV Vanilla Bean     0.5%FW Sprinkles     3.5%JF Biscuit     0.5%OOO Sugar Cone     2.75%PUR Condensed Milk     2%TPA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream     2.5%

Total Flavor: 11.75%