Casablanca aka Duly NOTED for Pipe #1


A nuanced, almost complex super simple aromatic pipe tobacco. (I suck at 3rd person ego stoking) Inspired by the Aromatic Tobacco episode of NOTED our Hero woke early the next day (5amFML) sat down with his morning cupa coffee and an atomizer full of God's own Cardinal... He began pondering the aromas from the night before, doing some quick foggy headed math he knocked together a simple banger. INW Black Cherry for Pipe INW Vanilla for Pipe It's Cherry Vanilla Pipe Tobacco, needs no notes, just mix it, vape it, enjoy it, modify it. Disclaimer. I literally knocked this together before work. It is fantastic on the shake, it will deepen a bit and develop some more complexity over time should you choose to steep it.


INW Classic For Pipe Black Cherry     1.3%INW Vanilla For Pipe     1.2%

Total Flavor: 2.5%