

This is a recipe inspired by Rain posted in the Reddit/DIY_eJuice August 2017 Recipe thread by u/bkenn22 . It is a french patisserie-inspired imaginary dessert. I’ve been really enjoying FA zeppola lately, and using to make a more doughy biscuit/cake/pastry type base. This is like a doughy frosted pineapple tart, whatever that is, and definitely one of the best recipes I’ve come up with. Originally I wanted a cooked or darkened pineapple profile, and was tempted to start adding in TFA brown sugar or FA caramel to find it, but somehow came out with both hints of fresh and cooked fruit which I liked, so I decided to keep it that way. This recipe came together the quickly and easily, which for me has often been a sign that the recipe will see frequent orbits in my DIY rotation. Unlike many of my mediocre recipes that have many subtle ingredients everything in this recipe (except the meringue) stands strong and confidently, which is probably why it works well and is definitely something I will take with me into future recipes. I'm quite proud of this, hopefully some others can enjoy this mix as much as me. INW Pineapple / FA Kiwi Well I can’t say I “selected” these as using these was the brief I set myself. The pair make for a nice juicy pineapple++ layer with lots of punch and some nice accents. I left the percentages at the original 3/3 strengths as this strength is very versatile, and I didn’t want to play with the ratio as this would change the profile too far from the original recipe. FA Apple Pie / FA Zeppola This is the pastry component, and is way more interesting than the common biscuit/cookie/graham combinations we've all seen before. It's by no means realistic to any real foods, and I chose these simply because I was looking for new and interesting ways to build this layer. If I had TPA Pie Crust I would have tried it here, but I don't so I didn't. I don't get much apple from FA Apple Pie but I guess the apple accent is in there somewhere, and probably what is giving me an hint of stewed fruit. FW Whipped Cream / LA Cream Cheese Icing / FA Meringue This is a fairly lightweight cream layer from FW, and it's probably not the best whipped cream available, but adding LA CCI gives it a much fuller body and a slightly pungent thickness. I love the way CCI smells and I think the aroma accurately represents it's purpose in the recipe. The meringue is there to sweeten the deal and remind you this is a dessert. It still works without the meringue but it definitely helps round this layer out. I wanted the creams to be just enough for a full mouth feel and smooth exhale, but kept it minimal and light as the fruits in this recipe won't stand up to very heavy creams.


FW Whipped Cream     3%FA Apple Pie     3%FA Kiwi     3%FA Meringue     0.5%FA Zeppola     2%INW Pineapple     3%LA Cream Cheese Icing     1%

Total Flavor: 15.5%