Honey Sesame Popcorn


I love popcorn especially sweet flavored ones that leave ur fingers a mess (then again what dont I love). My wife loves this juice and conatantly stole my testers while i worked on it. TbH sometimes i prefer her to vape it because the room note on this one is so spot on. I wish I could say the same about the taste. Her opinions on juice dont mean shit tho. Today I made a pumpkin pie latte which came out pretty decent. Blindly she told me it tasted like a strong alcoholic sex on the beach, WAY OFF. **Popcorn** *flv popcorn/ cap cereal 27/ tfa butter* Im digging flv popcorn and actually can see it being used in things other then a popcorn vape. Ive heard ppl mix it in a s&c and get good results. Its buttery and full of caramel very solid but those who know me and have been trying my stuff accuracy matters to me and 9/10 times youll see me layering the shit outta my recipes. This is no different. Rick in his flavor review mentioned adding cap 27 to help this puppy along, i ran with it. Cap 27 adds some more of that texture i craved. Maybe other AP heavy stuff will do even better? Am i the only one that ODs on the butter at the movies? Lets add some tfa butter. **Honey Glaze** *fa honey/ fa marzipan/ tfa brwn sugar* I def played around more with this part of the recipe then the actual popcorn. FA Honey used very sparingly is pretty tasty to me, but am I a simple kind of guy? NO. FA Marzipan had given me sweet honey notes so that was a no brainer. The 3rd of this combo is where i tried other stuff. I have flv milk& honey in the early versions but the darkness level of that concentrate was getting to me. I landed on brwn sugar and was pretty happy with the sweet buttery sticky fingered glaze that all popcorn should have. I was damn tired of inw sesame collecting dust and honestly i was thinking of what could i use it in and this profile came to me thanks to inw sesame sweets. Ive had some sucess with it in the past as its great for a sesame candy brittle. Us puerto ricans call it Ajonjoli. Cant wait to see what you guys think. Maybe im way off and should stop listening to my wife.


CAP Cereal 27     2.75%FLV Popcorn     1.5%FA Honey     0.2%FA Marzipan     0.5%INW Sesame Sweets     0.5%TPA Brown Sugar     0.5%TPA Butter     0.35%

Total Flavor: 6.3%