Bangin' Berries (juicy blue raz)


I just got both fa juicy strawberry and rf sc blue raz so figured I'd mix them together and see what I get. Fa Raspberry - So good to me in anything I put it in. In this recipe at 0.5% it's only used to backup the Blue raz and strawberry and to give it a little bit more of that Raspberry punch. Rf sc Blue raz - I've been enjoying this concentrate quite a bit. It's got a nice candy vibe to it and 2% here is plenty enough for me. Fa juicy strawberry - I love this strawberry. I've seen some people saying they can't taste it... well I can taste it and it tastes great to me. 1.5% gives this recipe a nice bright juicy punch in the face and really livens up the mix. For me it's a perfect fit here, you can taste a nice bit of strawberry and it sweetens up the mix. Fa Oba Oba - Here for mouthfeel and to makes these berries taste even sweeter. I have to restrain myself from using oba oba in most of my mixes but it's a good fit here as I was going for straight candy berry crack sweetness. 0.75% is more then enough. Fa Sour Wizard - This is THE additive for me. Really gives mixes that little extra somethin' somethin'. I use it at 0.25% and that's really all you need most of the time. This stuff is so dank, my tfa sour is so jelly. Steep 2-3 days but is a decent s&v.


FA Berryl (raspberry)     0.5%FA Juicy Strawberry     1.5%FA Oba Oba     0.75%FA Sour Wizard     0.25%RF Blue Raz – Super Concentrate     2%

Total Flavor: 5%