Watermelon Iced Out


Since I've been working on heavy recipes lately (Burley Boiz, Rose Cutter, etc), I needed something fruity and cold to cut through and set my palate back. This started off as a simple remix on Strap-On by ID10-T that I really didn't anticipate on releasing. However, after it sat for a few days and I came back to it, I realized it wasn't a remix or a clone of anything, rather, it ended up being it's own interesting little profile. What we have here is something that has a heavy watermelon candy type note, with some hints of the strawberry that give us a more rounded out recipe as a whole. Quick notes below, this doesn't need much explanation. FA Red Summer / FLV Wild Melon - we already know how this combination works. The FA Watermelon is given more depth from the FLV Wild Melon. A lot of this recipe can be adjusted to taste, this combination being one aspect of it. FA is kind of set in it's way, as 2.5% is pretty much the highest it can successfully go. However, drop it down and boost FLV Wild Melon if you want less of a watermelon vape, and more of a general blend of different melons. INW Shisha Strawberry - simply used this instead of the FA Red Touch because I was out of FA when I went to mix this. Shisha Strawberry brings a bit more of a syrupy sweetness to the mix. Instead of a more accurate strawberry note, we get something more candied and sticky. I like this being in here, for it allows us to get a candy sweet note without having to use an sweetener. TPA Honeysuckle - I've been loving what this concentrate does to fruit mixes lately. The subtle floral notes don't overpower at all, but they add a sense of unique depth to any sweet fruit notes. A little touch of vanilla is noticeable, some additional sweetness, and just a hint of something more earthy and floral to give some depth to the strawberry in particular. It's hard to really pinpoint what Honeysuckle is doing in these recipes, but without it, there is a noticeable difference. So my mentality is, don't ask questions, and just enjoy. WS-23 - you know me, I love my fruit recipes to be cold. Usually I'd say add the WS-23 to taste, but here, once it's pushed into the 1% territory, it actually starts to fuck with the flavour a bit. I don't know if it's just how the cold hits the throat or if we're actually getting some flavour change here, but it wasn't as pleasant. Sort of became a more bitter flavour on the back end that I wasn't happy with. Keep it at or below 0.75 and you'll be good. Steep - good as a shake and vape, seems to just meld together nicely into this watermelon candy after about 3 days. Reminds me of the Sour Patch Watermelons, without the sour.


FLV Wild Melon     2%FA Red Summer (watermelon)     2.5%INW Shisha Strawberry     2%OTHR WS-23     0.75%TPA Honeysuckle (pg)     1%

Total Flavor: 8.25%