Rhuaspberry Muffin Crisp


I usually don't post recipes, mainly because my pallet is shot to shit. My best recipes are usually 3-5 ingredients, 12%-16%. And I can TASTE them, not imagine what they taste like. This recipe is a simple rhubarb/raspberry muffin crisp. I've been chasing this profile for quite a while, with lackluster results. I took inspiration for this version from a thread somewhere online, and now I'm not sure where. Even though the other recipe used only 2 of the ingredients (Meringue and Rich Cinnamon), I still feel I owe credit where it is due. The trouble with this recipe was finding a decent muffin base that didn't require 3 ingredients on it's own. Enter FLV Lembas Bread. A great, full muffin that is a great neutral start, if a bit dry. Call in TFA Butter. ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY PERFECT playmate for Lembas Bread. Provides richness, and anchors the base of the recipe. Plus dem 'ketones nukka. The brown sugar works in 2 seperate aspects in this recipe. Adding moistness and sweetness to the base, as well as working with the Meringue and Rich Cinnamon to create the "crisp". I think people underestimate the textural effects Rich Cinnamon. The flavor is obviously great, but it can add a fresh-baked feel to many bakeries at extremely small percentages. The fruit portion satisfies two requirements for me. #1, figure out a way to use the may-be-stronger-than-betahydroxymethylfentanyl substance known as INW Rhubarb, and utilize a combination that doesn't rely on sweetness for flavor, and will not fade with time. Trying to find a Raspberry to work with INW Rhubarb was tough-INW's offering is much too similar as it is quite tart to me on it's own. TFA's tastes like grass clippings, CAP's was close, but didn't quite punch through or hold up to a steep well enough. FA Berryl (Raspberry) ended up the only one besides MF that had the flavor I wanted, and the necessity of a 20 fortnight steep took the MF off the table. From there, it was just trial and error to figure out relative strengths of the 2 fruits after a week steep, knowing the INW Rhubarb HAD to stay @0.3% or lower. I tested the Raspberry @ 1%, 1.5%, 2%, and 2.5% with 2% being the magic number. Any higher and it takes over the muffin base, any lower and the Rhubarb buries it like it was gonna testify. The FLV Cream helps round the whole thing off with more moisture and mouthfeel and blah blah blah blah. That shit is just excellent, put it in errthang, ya dig? Hopefully if you mix it, you'll like it, and leave some feedback.


FLV Cream     1%FLV Lembas Bread     3%FLV Rich Cinnamon     0.2%FA Berryl (raspberry)     2%FA Meringue     1%INW Rhubarb (yc)     0.3%TPA Brown Sugar     0.5%TPA Butter     0.5%

Total Flavor: 8.5%