Jam Ghoul Blueberry (Jam Monster Remix) #REMIXMONTH


Jam Monster was never my favorite liquid, but after discovering Wonder Flavors Croissant, I had to try for the remix. That buttered croissant can easily be interpreted as buttered toast and it is the defining flavor in Jam Monster! I started with 2% but unlike most other flavors, the more you add the more present it is. As for the blueberry, I've tried just about every combo. After hearing Wayne praise HS Blueberry, I had to try it, and he was not wrong! Juicy Strawberry in this mix pairs with the blueberries very well and in this case, it adds a candy quality to the jam. I may not love Jam Monster, but the remix is delicious while staying similar to the original!


FA Juicy Strawberry     2%HS Blueberry     1.5%INW Blueberry     1%WF Croissant SC     5%

Total Flavor: 9.5%