Kompot #Remix Month


*https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_heroin* I've been working an a 1:1 clone of "Milk of the Poppy" by Blue Dot Vapors for months and still haven't nailed it down. This doesn't have any ingredients in common with that. Instead, it's a complete reimagining of the same profile as an all-Inawera recipe instead of what I very strongly suspect is an all-Capella concoction. It's a sweet vanilla custard topped with sweet strawberry, dragonfruit flavor that comes in second to the strawberry but isn't just a subtle amount, and a lil hint of sweet citrus. So all of these ingredients speak for themselves except the Cherimoya, which is used to tie the fruits and custard together. The trouble with trying to clone Milk of the Poppy is that each version needs to steep for a month before testing. This remix, however, only needs to rest overnight. Also unlike actual Blue Dot Milk of the Poppy and my way- to slightly-off clone attempts, I think I might be addicted to it. If you don't have INW Shisha Orange, don't buy it just for this. Instead, try an equal amount of FA, FW, or FLV Blood Orange, CAP Sweet Tangerine, TFA Orange Cream, FE Sweet Orange (my favorite), or any other tangerine or orange flavor you happen to have on hand. Anything to give it just the slightest hint of orange.


INW Cherimoya (yc)     0.5%INW Custard     1.75%INW Dragon Fruit - Pitaya     0.5%INW Shisha Orange     0.25%INW Shisha Strawberry     2.75%INW Shisha Vanilla     1%

Total Flavor: 6.75%