Frosted Tourmaline Sky - Week 1
Week 1 of The Year Of Mixing - Inspiration picture used for the thumbnail. The aurora in the night sky against the white cold snow covered ground inspired this recipe completely. Nice cold frosty bite with the strawberry and watermelon notes dusted with a sweetness of powdered sugar and a dash of cap super sweet. If you'd like to participate in the Year of Mixing find the Flavor-Pro group and join us for our weekly challenge - all mixers welcome - and there will be some prizes. You can find more information here
CAP Super Sweet 0.5%FLV Cool Menthol 0.4%FLV Watermelon 0.75%FA Polar Blast 0.5%FA Red Touch (strawberry) 2.5%INW Shisha Strawberry 0.5%OOO Powdered Sugar 0.75%Total Flavor: 5.9%