Goodbye Blue Monday (Blueberry Tootsie Pop)


Breakfast of Champions, or Goodbye Blue Monday. I was going to call this Blue Karma, as it was supposed to be a blueberry-caramel milk. However, I thought that name quite trite (and as it turns out off the mark), and, since it was a Monday when I mixed it . . . and I have an undying love for all things Vonnegut, I decided to go with Goodbye Blue Monday. So it goes. On a side note, the name LonesomeRhodesTN, is an homage to Vonnegut's novel, Slapstick (subtitled Lonesome No More), as well as Andy Griffith's character in the amazing Elia Kazan movie, A Face in the Crowd. This recipe was an experiment with a few new (to me) concentrates: Oak Milk, Melty Caramel, and HS Blueberry. FW Blueberry (1%) and HS Blueberry (0.5%) make up the candied blueberry flavor. The Cream Fresh (1%), FE Oak Milk (2%), MB Melty Caramel (1.5%), and OOO Cream Milky Undertone (1.5%) come together to make the Tootsie Roll part of the Tootsie Pop (which we all know is not really a chocolate flavor). I'm assuming the malty milk and caramel come together to create this aspect of the flavor. I didn't add any sweetener . . . but I'm sure 0.5% of CAP Super Sweet wouldn't hurt, if you're into that kind of thing. I'm not going to lie and say this was the flavor I was shooting for, but this tastes spot-on like taking a crunchy, chewy bite out of a Blueberry Tootsie Pop. Tasting this after mixing it three days ago, it was unmistakable that this had become the familiar candy that I loved as a child. Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop? Let's find out. A one . . . A two-HOO . . . A three..


FE Oak Milk     2%FW Blueberry     1%FA Cream Fresh     1%HS Blueberry     0.5%MB Melty Caramel     1.5%OOO Cream Milky Undertone PG     1.5%

Total Flavor: 7.5%