Fear's Red Hot Tobacco Sauce


As per usual, found myself in a jam. I needed tobacco to add to [In a Godda Da Vida](https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/26946). I mean, it's sooo good, but it was a little too sharp on my tongue for me to finish it off, and I made a huge batch. I needed a tobacco to add to it. And since I was sitting in discord, and saw he was online, I thought, "Who better to ask than the man himself?" Took him all of like 30 seconds to look at my list of flavors and pull this out. Was brill off the shake, but like all tobaccos, works best after at least 2 weeks, and just keeps getting better. Best part? So far, it seems to go with everything. I've added it to the following: [Vanilla Butter Pecan Ice Cream](https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/77693), [Tide Pod Challenge](https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/84522)and the fabled [Mustard Milk](https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/1164). It flat works. Hence: Fear's Red Hot Tobacco Sauce. I put that **** on everything. (Just copying the tagline from the ad, folks!) This one's great on it's own for tobacco lovers, with it's dark pipe tobacco with that wonderful punch of Virginia, but it's also good for when you have too much of a juice, and it needs something else to finish it off. Also great for a test bed for when you're going "Would this work as a tobacco?" Thanks go to [Fear](https://alltheflavors.com/users/Fear) for pulling this magic l'il number from wherever, and for letting me share the joy with everyone else.


FLV Virginia Tobacco     1.5%INW Classic For Pipe Black     1.5%

Total Flavor: 3%