

I really liked TPA RY4 Double solo when I got it, but it got boring quick. Obviously not enough tobacco, top heavy, and just kind of flat. I was working on another variation with DFS Holy Holy Grail, but that needs to be something else completely. I tried a few existing recipes that were using additional tobacco to bolster RY4Ds, but they were still lacking in my opinion. INW Dark for Pipe was an obvious choice, and is a perfect match with RY4D. I really like this stuff fresh just because of how potent Dark for Pipe is, but after 3 weeks everything has come together and blended wonderfully. If you want an RY4 that has some serious punch this is what you are looking for. INW Classic for pipe Dark: This stuff is awesome. Dark, earthy, skunky tobacco with some dark fruit and a little cacao. It's an absolutely perfect match with RY4D, and the cigar / fruit / cacao make this a perfect base for a stanky RY4. INW Classic for pipe Black: A legit full bodied, smoky tobacco to add a bit more depth and authenticity to the Dark. TPA RY4 Double: Not much that needs to be said about this. A typical RY4, I get loads of caramel, and almost no vanilla or tobacco. Which is great because I really don't like vanilla. This started high, but after a couple variations it ended up at 4%. At first it really stands out, but after some time it comes together with Dark and they blend perfectly. FA Oak Wood: This was the perfect way to add a little more body while also adding some wood and a little more sweetness that I wanted but wasn't quite getting after dropping the RY4D to where it is. Also doesn't add any additional gunkyness while bringing a little more authenticity to the tobacco base. Enjoy!


FA Oak Wood     1.5%INW Classic For Pipe Black     0.5%INW Classic For Pipe Dark     2.5%TPA Ry4 Double     4%

Total Flavor: 8.5%