Fat boy's dream for sure it is


A milk chocolate glazed doughnut filled with a butterscotch cream filling and some almonds thrown in FA Zeppola acts as the doughnut base.imo it's the perfect plain doughnut flavour there is. FW Hazelnut makes the doughnut i bit darker and bridges the dough with the chocolate INW Milk Chocolate- I still have a 500ml bottle of the old version and it's awesome.If you don't have it i guess you can sub it for JF's version.I've never tried it myself but i only heard good things. The Filling: FW Butterscotch Ripple/FA Caramel - Ripple is a soft,creamy butterscotch which is ideal for what i need in here.The Caramel lends a sharper top note to the butterscotch and adds some separation in between the filling and the doughnut CAP Super Sweet - 1 drop per 10ml is enough but you shouldn't leave it out FA Almond - that's the only little problem i have here.the almond doesn't sit on top as i would have imagined,nevertheless i can taste it in there and it's good Maybe some mixologists like ConcreteRiver, ID10-T or ENYAWREKLAW could solve this problem but for now i'm happy with the result. It's a fucking delicious doughnut so enjoy and leave your thoughts! EDIT:If you leave the chocolate out,you got yourself a delicious recipe as well!


CAP Super Sweet     0.25%FW Butterscotch Ripple     3.5%FW Hazelnut     1%FA Almond     1.5%FA Carmel (caramel)     1.5%FA Zeppola     4%INW Milk Chocolate     2%

Total Flavor: 13.75%