MBs Simple Springtime Elegance #DIYDownunderMarchChallenge


This was made for a DIY Down under face group mixers challenge which was 2 main flavors and an additive . if you are interested in joining the monthly challenges you can find the DIY down under group here https://www.facebook.com/groups/diydownunder/ I actually love this type of challenge since it really makes you think about the flavors you pick and is a very different style of mixing then layering multiple flavors - liquid barn or capella flavors are ideal for this type of challenge since they are pretty true to their profile across a range of percentages and work well as the main flavor notes in recipes. So this was obviously inspired by SPRING. LB Cherry blossom is a lovely light cherry with some tea notes at 3 %. If you are looking for a stronger tea flavor then this would benefit from a another black tea . You can increase the percentage to 5 - 6 % if you want to pull the cherry more forward. The LB vanilla mint works well here since i wanted a slight menthol/spearmint and vanilla back note. But must be added at a significantly lower percentage then the recommended 15% The honeysuckle adds the creamy sweet body and floral notes and brings the cherry and vanilla mint together .


LB Cherry Blossom Tea     3%LB Vanilla Mint     1.5%TPA Honeysuckle (pg)     2%

Total Flavor: 6.5%