Strawberry Cheesecake Jelly Bean


simple gummy type recipe - if you are making a jelly bean or gummies you want to keep the flavor profile simple and use a central flavor that will really pop, much as you get with a gummy or jelly bean candy . if you are adding a marshmallow , cap Jelly candy , vanilla swirl or menagerie keep them low and use as an additive for mouth feel - or it can mute the main note . The 27 bears is a great gummie base but it does add a slight pineapple back note that really works here helping to push the strawberry upfront- you could add TFA straberry or FA juicy strawberry to really enhance the strawberry - as it is a candid strawberry but Liquid barn strawberry cheesecake is a solid strong flavor with some creaminess add by the cheesecake at the recommend percentage. This is good as a shake and vape but needs 3 days to come together


CAP 27 Bears     4%FLV Sweetness     0.3%LB Strawberry Cheesecake     8%TPA Vanilla Swirl     1%

Total Flavor: 13.3%