Southern Nana
If you like banana cream/pudding vapes then this recipe is for you. This recipe was made with a banana pudding ice cream 🍦 with vanilla wafer chunks throughout. In my opinion it's exactly what I was looking. I think its delicious. Probably my new all time favorite banana cream type of flavor to date and that is saying quite a bit.
What I used and why:
My banana combination is the same combination i almost always use the percentages change depending on the profile. If you want a strong in your face bansns I used banana puree by wonder flavours and banana by flavorah . I absolutely love this combination. In this recipe I went a little light and delicate with the banana but I feel it's just perfect in my opinion of coarse. My ice cream/pudding base is a combination of toffee ice cream by vta and vanilla ice cream by lb and vanilla pudding by flv. Toffee ice 🍦 cream adds that thick buttery ice cream that I don't get from lb vanilla ice cream. For me toffee ice cream mixed with vanilla ice cream by lb makes a great buttery ice cream base for me. The ice cream flavor i was going for was a banana pudding ice cream flavor with vanilla wafer chunks throughout so if course I had to use vanilla pudding for my pudding component and biscuit by inawera as my vanilla wafers. The biscuit may be able to be bumped up being that the vanilla wafer note is light at best but overall it's just delicious. If the profile sounds good to you then just mix it you won't be disappointed!!!
I kept the banana 🍌 as low a percentage as I possibly could and still get a good banana flavor. If for any reason you want a 💪 stronger banana flavor then boost both bananas .25% each at a time and you will end up finding the perfect banana percentage for you but for me this is the perfect percentages. 😘
Sweetener: I used .35% of sweetness by Flavorah but feel free to use or don't use your preferred sweetener.
Steep time: 7 days but it's a banana cream recipe so it will keep getting better and better the longer you wait ✋.Recipe
FLV Banana 0.5%FLV Vanilla Pudding 2%INW Biscuit 0.5%LB Vanilla Ice Cream 2.5%VT Toffee Ice Cream 2.5%WF Banana Purée 1.25%Total Flavor: 9.25%