Crunch Berry Fried Icecream


This was developed with ingredients based on a friends flavor stash. With that being said, I feel this captures the essence of my original Fried Ice Cream. This has a different twist, this is a fruity cereal version. I love Liquid Barn Ice Cream, but in this I used Cap Vanilla Bean Ice Cream. This is a nice smooth creamy ice cream. To add a little more butter and vanilla I added Cap Bavarian Cream with the Icecream, it also gives a little nutty undertone. The coating of the icecream is with TFA Berry Crunch Cereal, kettle Corn, and a little AP. Also, some juicy strawberry to help bring out the Berry taste in the cereal. For the Fried aspect, I use a little bit of FA Joy.


CAP Bavarian Cream     2%CAP Vanilla Bean Ice Cream     2.5%FA Joy     0.25%FA Juicy Strawberry     3%TPA Acetyl Pyrazine 5%     0.25%TPA Berry Cereal     2.5%TPA Kettle Corn     2%

Total Flavor: 12.5%