Creamed Honey Tea


I revisited this after awhile and wow! This is so delicious! This is a must try!! Simple yet flavorful! The Flv green tea goes well with cream and Milk % honey !!The teas are a great addition to any flavor stash! tastes like a wonderful tea with some cream and a very tasty creamed honey note. it all marries and blends together at about 1 week and steeps out beautifully!! The green tea really is great with the milk and honey! It gives the green tea a wonderful flavor and the flv cream which is one of my favorite creams really helps blend the flavors realm well into a delicious creamed honey.. This is wonderful trio and has alot of flavor considering the % is so low. I can't stop vapng it its so delicious!! Give it a mix if you have the flavors. Its a simple recipe with Low percents but it sure does taste fantastic!! It has to steep at least a few days. I didn't add sweetener, it doesnt need it, it sweet and very bright!


FLV Cream     1%FLV Green Tea     2%FLV Milk & Honey     2%

Total Flavor: 5%