Caramel Toffee Donuts For Paul’s Birthday (AAFL)


Happy Birthday Paul ​ Caramel Toffee Donuts for your Birthday ​ for the Donut I'm using FA Doughnut Crispy FA Zeppola And A Little Cap Cookie Crumble to help give it tha cooked Feeling ​ For the Caramel Toffee I'm using FA Caramel Han Caramel Toffee and Inawera Horned Toffee this to me is a perfect Caramel Toffee just works so well together ​ im usimg Pur Super sweet at .5% but you can use any Sweetner and at the % you like ​ Happy Mixing and a Big Happy Birthday to Paul AKA CV


CAP Cookie Crumble     0.75%FA Carmel (caramel)     1%FA Doughnut Crispy     2.5%FA Zeppola     4%HS Caramel Toffee     1.5%INW Horned Toffee     1%PUR Super Sweet     0.5%WF Pastry Cream SC     1.5%

Total Flavor: 12.75%