Cream Cheese Icing


It is not possible to find LA Cream Cheese Icing flavor in my country. I came across a recipe for it on the internet at I wanted to share it for those who, like me, cannot find this flavor or want to use a different type. The recipe is here: The description in the recipe is as follows: "Next up is the all-important cream cheese icing. There are countless ways to achieve this flavour. Many mixers would start with Lorann’s Cream Cheese Icing, though I find it to produce an undesirable smoky flavour, so it’s off the table for me. Instead, we’re starting with INW Yes We Cheesecake. This adds a rich creamy base and substantial mouthfeel after a few days steeping. A combination of CAP French Vanilla V1 and FA Custard Premium elevate the cheesecake note with a good helping of bright confectionary vanilla, creating a well-rounded cream cheese icing."


CAP French Vanilla     2%FA Custard Premium     1.5%INW Yes, We Cheesecake     3%

Total Flavor: 6.5%