Cucumber Sprite


**This recipe is a fork from ID10-T's **[**1-2-3 Cranberry Sprite**](**.** After initially mixing up the 1-2-3 Cranberry Sprite I really enjoyed it but felt that it needed some kind of "Wetness" to it as its delicious on its own, but maybe comes across more Sherbet/Pixie Stick like than a wet cooldrink. A friend and fellow mixer [Josias]( gave me the idea to add a cucumber to it. ​ The Cap Cucumber really makes this recipe shine, it adds so much depth and "Juicyness/Wetness" that really compliments the Lemon Lime and adds authenticity to the cooldrink. Throw in WS-23 and some sweetner to your liking and you'll love it! # 🍋🥒


CAP Cucumber     2%CAP Lemon Lime     3%VT Fizzy Sherbet     2%

Total Flavor: 7%