Shake Shack πππ Happy Birthday Rocky!
Shake Shack πππ Happy Birthday!
Made ya a birthday cake milkshake. In about 2 to 3 weeks the fullness of the cake will show up along with AP from Millkshake to thicken this all up. I like the WF Pudding (Milk Chocolate) over their new Dark Chocolate so I used that with Chocolate Milk (top note) & Chocolate Mousse, plus some VBIC and Toffee IC. A little Custard Premium lends a richer frozen custard texture as well. Then I added Hazelnut. It's pretty much a Nutella combo of flavors except for the toffee.
Have a rockin' good birthday Rocky!
Suggested steep time: 14 days
MVP 5 - Plex 3D Coil 0.35 ohm @ 50W (DL)
Kroma Z - Z Coil 0.30 ohm @ 33W (RDL)
Nord 2 - RPM Coil 0.4 ohm @ 23W (RDL)
Mood music while mixing - The House Is Rockin' by Stevie Ray Vaughn
Comments & ratings are greatly appreciatedπ
CAP Milkshake 2.5%CAP Super Sweet 1%CAP Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 1%FW Hazelnut 1%FA Custard Premium 0.5%PUR Simply Cake 3%VT Chocolate Milk 1%VT Chocolate Mousse 0.5%VT Toffee Ice Cream 3%WF Pudding (Milk Chocolate) SC 2%Total Flavor: 15.5%